Vision Impairment
8 Human Guide Techniques for People With Visual Impairments
What are human guide techniques? How do you help a person with a visual impairment find a chair or use the stairs? This article provides info about useful techniques for these situations and more from my training as a TVI and a counselor.
Common Myths and Facts About Vision Loss
This article looks at various myths about people with visual impairments and presents facts dispelling these myths—from a counselor and Teacher of the Visually Impaired.
7 Warnings Signs of Vision Loss and What to Do if They Appear
This article discusses signs of vision loss, types of eye care specialists, and what to expect from an eye exam.
Vision Loss and Laundry: 7 Techniques for Everyone to Know
This article provides steps for helping people with vision loss and other disabilities perform laundry duties until independence is achieved.