Mental Health
How to Change Bad Habits Into Good Habits
Bad habits can hold us back and prevent us from reaching our full potential, but they can be changed with the right mindset and approach. To change a bad habit, it's important to identify the trigger, replace the habit with a new one, set small and achievable goals, and seek support.
Dealing With Depression as a Spouse of a Cancer Patient
Spouses are often the primary caregivers for cancer patients. The caregiving role means that they prioritize the health of their sick partner. At the same time, they may be dealing with illnesses like hypertension, or diabetes. This makes them prone to mental health problems, especially depression
Talking About Religion and Spirituality in Therapy
Research demonstrates that there is a relationship between religion and spirituality and psychological health and functioning. The numbers show that religion and spirituality are important to most clients. Here's an in-depth look at why we should incorporate these elements into therapy.
Understanding the Signs and Symptoms of Schizophrenia
What are the behaviors associated with Schizophrenia? How do we know if someone is exhibiting symptoms?
Should You Require Cameras During Virtual Group Therapy?
If you're a therapist like me, you know that zoom has changed the therapy space. Do you require clients to keep cameras on? Should you require everyone in a group therapy session to keep cameras on? Here's what you should know.
The Real Story About "Shock Therapy"
When you think of "shock therapy", what comes to mind? Chances are it bears limited resemblance to the modern reality of electroconvulsive therapy.
Is Gaming Addiction a Real Mental Health Disorder?
The 11th revision of the ICD added "gaming disorder" as a potential mental health diagnosis. Is this controversial decision the way forward in treating technology abuse? How will clinicians diagnose and treat the condition?
What a Therapist Should and Should Not Do in Therapy
There is an expectation of quality service when you are paying for those services. The same goes for getting therapy. Learn what to expect, what happens when you go, and what your therapist should and should not do in therapy.
What Is Bipolar Disorder and How Do People Get It?
Read about what experts currently know about the causes and treatment of bipolar disorder.
Clarifying the Differences Between a Covert (Inverted) Narcissist and an Overt Narcissist
This article corrects the misconceptions about narcissism and discusses differences between covert (inverted) and overt narcissists. The contributions of self-efficacy and self-esteem to these types are discussed and a more inclusive model of the disorder presented.
How to Live Your Life as an Adult Survivor of Child Abuse
Surviving an abusive childhood is tough. The emotional and physical scars have the potential to ruin a person. This article discusses how to have a better life after surviving childhood abuse.
Don’t Touch Me! A Guide to Understanding Touch Aversion & Tactile Sensitivity
Do you or someone you know hate to be touched? Touch aversion and tactile sensitivity can be complex. Our guide will help you understand aversion to touch and provide answers to your questions...
Understanding Substance Abuse, Addiction, Tolerance, Dependence, and Withdrawal
A basic introduction to the definitions of drug abuse, addiction, tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal. Recovery from substance use disorders is also discussed.
Housebound: A Closer Look at Agoraphobia
Fear is limiting; phobias, even more so.
Can Narcissists Feel Empathy?
Many people believe that narcissists are incapable of experiencing empathy, but research suggests this may not be true.
Assumptions and the Problems They Cause
Assumptions are a part of our everyday lives. Every decision we make is based upon them. The problem occurs when we make decisions based on assumptions that we have not validated or proven correct.
How to Identify a Gambling Addiction
What are the signs and symptoms of a gambling addiction? Learn how to recognize if someone you know might have a problem.
Trust Me: Walking the Tightrope of Rapport-Building With a Teen
This article contains a fictional account of a counselor working to establish rapport with a sullen teen. It suggests verbal/nonverbal techniques and also discusses the implications of unintended reactions, all in short story format.
A Guide to Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive therapy emerged in the 1960s, leading to a large number of cognitive-behavioral models. The core concept of these models is that people's cognition affects their feelings and behavior.
Musical Hallucinations: A Blessing and a Curse
With the increase of music in our lives from new technological gadgets, the cases of rare auditory hallucinations, termed musical hallucinations, will likely become more prevalent.
A Guide to Family Therapy Techniques
Family therapy pays attention to how family members influence each other’s behavior. This approach uses a wide range of techniques to improve family functioning.
How to Get the Narcissist's Worms Out of Your Head
Beat your narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) by kicking the parasite out of your head.
Dirty Tricks of the Narcissistic Personality Disorder
The secret means that narcissistic predators use to exploit others.
OCD and Intrusive Thoughts: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment
Do bad thoughts pop into your mind for no reason? Do you think about hurting other people—or yourself? Do your thoughts embarrass you? If so, you may suffer from intrusive thoughts. Learn more here.
12 Great Ways to Take Charge of Your Mental Health
Do you want to enhance your mental well-being? Follow these 12 steps to improve all areas of your life, including the quality of your relationships, work, and how you cope with life's challenges.
The Dynamic of Narcissistic Injury in Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Being aware of how narcissistic injury can create rage- and revenge-seeking in the individual with Narcissistic Personality Disorder can be helpful for avoiding victimization.
A Guide to Bowen Family Systems Therapy
Bowen family systems therapy takes a multigenerational approach to treating the family system. It emphasizes the need for unresolved emotional fusion to be addressed for healthy family functioning.
Benefits of Psychotherapy for Promoting Mental and Emotional Well-Being
Are you considering therapy? Find out how you can get help for emotional/mental problems and behavioral conflicts through psychotherapy.
The Malignant Narcissist: A Joyful Sadist
This article explores the experimental diagnostic category of malignant narcissism, one of the most destructive and inhumane of all psychiatric illnesses.
9 Anger Management Tips for Teens
Frustration and sadness can lead to angry outbursts, but consider the negative impact on your life and relationships. Take these nine steps to manage your anger.
Risk Factors for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Some people who experience extreme trauma develop PTSD symptoms, including flashbacks and disturbing dreams. Although it is not possible to predict who will develop PTSD, there are some risk factors.
Borderline Personality Disorder & Criminal Behavior
A quick look at what borderline personality disorder is and why so many in prison seem to have it.
Treating Depression With Aaron Beck's Cognitive Therapy
Cognitive therapy is one of the approaches to the treatment of depression. According to Aaron Beck, depressed persons consistently view themselves, the future, and the world in a negative way.
Understanding Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)
People struggle with various emotional and psychological challenges, and psychotherapists use different approaches, including rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), to address these issues.
How to Handle Fear of Choking
How can you cope with a fear of choking when you have a chronic anxiety problem?
Stigma and Mental Illness: Exploring Derogatory Terms
People who have a mental health disorder have to live with stigma and discrimination. The popular use of slang terminology doesn't help.
Dealing With Dependent Personality Disorder
Do you fear being alone and think you cannot cope without someone else by your side? You may have a dependent personality disorder.
Intrusive Thoughts and Feelings With High Anxiety
Disturbing thoughts can be a major problem for those who suffer from anxiety disorders. Why do you get them and how can you deal with them?
How to Cope With Schizoaffective Disorder
The symptoms of a mood disorder and schizophrenia can merge to become a disorder known as schizoaffective. Coping can be very difficult.
When an Overdose Becomes Attention Seeking
If a person repeatedly overdoses on pills but always survives... and yet claims it is because of a desire to die, does it necessarily mean their intent is false? Is it attention-seeking behaviour?
Living With Antisocial Personality Disorder 101: The Sociopath
This article describes the traits of antisocial personality disorder, medication and treatment recommendations, and suggestions for loved ones and healthcare professionals. Real-life examples of traits and patient care are provided.
Stress Overload: Nonepileptic Seizures
What happens when stress builds to gigantic proportions? What happens when stress converts itself into a physical manifestation? This article explains what nonepileptic seizures are.
How to Treat Mild Anxiety Disorder
How do you cope with anxiety when it becomes a way of life for you? Are you a worrier who does not know how to relax? Learn about the symptoms and treatment options for mild anxiety disorder.
4 Reasons You Should Take Responsibility for Your Panic Disorder Behavior
Are you really addressing your panic disorder? Long-standing panic disorder can create a multitude of bad habits. Taking responsibility for your panic or fear problem is a big step towards your recovery.
Depersonalization and Derealization: Symptoms of Severe Anxiety
A severe anxiety problem or bout of depression can produce many odd symptoms. Depersonalization and derealization are two of the worst symptoms a sufferer may encounter.
Depression and Anxiety: Comorbidities in Mental Health
Depression and anxiety commonly exist together. Can one of these make a primary mental illness diagnosis worse? Here's what you need to know about comorbidities in mental health.
How Does Panic Disorder Start?
A panic disorder can only develop if you have a negative first panic attack experience. What turns a panic attack into a panic disorder?
Agoraphobia - Shopping and Panic
People take going shopping for granted. What happens when this everyday activity brings such fear that you totally avoid doing it?
Am I an Alcoholic? Clear-Cut Signs You Might Have a Drinking Problem
Have you ever wondered if you might be an alcoholic? Learn about some of the signs that indicate you may have a problem.
What Is Pica, and What Causes Those Odd Cravings?
Understand what causes cornstarch cravings and how important it is to get help before the problem progresses. Learn about other non-food cravings and the role nutrition plays.